Facebook is one of the top social media sites and everyone is using it, probably half the earth. Everyone is using Facebook to get connected to their friends, friends of friends, families, relatives and more. Facebook allows you to add 5000 friends and it’s a huge number because normal people have 250-300 friends only. So, these are the Facebook basic policies and now let’s get back to the topic which the headline is telling.

So, without wasting as much time lets get back to the headline and know those biggest reasons why we should not use Facebook Auto Likes. But, to know this we must have a better understanding of Facebook Auto Likes and Best FB Auto Liker.

What is Facebook Auto Likes?

Everyone wants so many likes, comments, and reactions on their uploads and it’s a human nature. We always want to get appreciated for what we have done, doesn’t matter if it is a photo/video/status updated by us. Somebody whose following are superb gets huge reactions while normal people just reach their threshold. To grab so many reactions on the uploads, there is a way called Facebook Auto Likes which automatically generates reactions on your uploads.

How do Facebook Auto Likes work?

Facebook Auto Likes works simply with easy steps and it can be easily done by using an app of Facebook Auto Likes or by the Facebook Auto Likes site. If you have used these kinds of sites or apps then you must know that first these sites and apps ask you to make all your privacy settings public. After this process, they will give you a token by which they give you like and comment.

So, these are the simple steps by which one can start to get a huge number of likes on their uploads. But, some major question that arises here is Why they ask to make everything public? What is the use of that token and from where these likes come from?

Why do Facebook Auto Likes ask To make Privacy Settings Public?

Facebook Auto Liker can access your details and it shows everything to your friend’s list. They make all your privacy settings public so that they can access your account information to bombard your Facebook wall to sponsored ads.

What is The Use of Tokens in Facebook Auto Likes?

Today’s generation totally depends on the third law of Newton which says To Every Action there Is Equal & Opposite Reaction which means that if Facebook Auto Likers are giving you likes then in return you also have to give something to them and that’s why they ask for the token. By using these tokens, these sites will give likes from your personal account to some other account without even informing you and all that happen with the help of these tokens.

How to Know If Someone is Using Facebook Auto Liker?

It can be found same as we can find the sun on a sunny day. It is so easily caught that who is using the Facebook Auto Liker and who not. You will see thousands of likes which are hailing from random countries with some strange name. So, these names will make you damn sure that the person on the other side is using Facebook Auto Liker to get so many likes on their updates.

What are the Disadvantages of Facebook Auto Likes?

Everything which is associated with the Facebook Auto Likes counts under the disadvantages section only and we are going to reveal those biggest disadvantages of using Facebook Auto Likes.

Disadvantage Number 1: Your Reputation Will Be Compromised

Facebook Auto Liker website and apps ask you to make everything public and they also like whatever they wanted to like without informing you. So, suppose they use your account to like porn videos or something which has a negative impact then? Your family and friends will be able to see what you have liked because you have allowed that Facebook Auto Liker to make your information and activity public.

Your friends will see that you only have a few hundred friends and your updates are having thousands of likes and it will be easily understood that you have used Facebook Auto Likes Service. So it will also reflect your image as a fake one and though this will highly degrade your image in the social community.

Disadvantage Number 2: Would You Like To Add A Word Spammer Behind Your Name

The moment you join these Facebook Auto Liker and Auto Likes, you will be able to see random ads wherever you roam around the Facebook, either your wall or your friend’s wall or in the groups or communities. This all starts to happen because of your name and indirectly or directly you are spoiling the policies of the Facebook. the main reason behind the popularity of these auto likes websites is that each user is ready to promote it for the sake of some fake likes.

This is the real shit which will happen to you and I think that you don’t wanna add the word spammer as a suffix or prefix in your name.

Disadvantage Number 3: It’s a Chance That You May Be Hacked

The exchange of token would lead to the hacking of your account. It is because whenever you request for a token it will redirect you to Facebook where a message appears showing Success and along with it a “warning message: which says use the URL as the password and do not share it with anyone”.

Facebook always warns from its side and everything is clear now. Auto Likers uses compromised accounts for spamming purposes and liking unwanted photos and videos posted by unknown people. These unwanted likes done by your account without your information is a hint that your account has been compromised.

Disadvantage Number 4: You Could Be Banned By Facebook

You are liking unwanted materials, maybe you have liked the content which doesn’t suit the policies of Facebook. You are also the reason for spamming, as unwanted ads are appearing because of you and to create a clean environment is the top priority for businesses like Facebook.  So, there is a huge probability that you could be banned from Facebook. The actions which Facebook could take are:

  • Permanent Disabling Of Your Account.
  • You can be blocked to share contents in any groups or your friend’s wall.
  •  You could be blocked for liking, sharing and commenting on any updates or photos.


The above-written facts, points, and everything have cleared that what will be the impact of using Facebook Auto Likers. It is highly recommended by experts and even Facebook that do not use these kinds of services for likes. So, hope that you guys liked the article and understood what we want to say. Sharing is Caring so share this article among your circle and spread love not spam.

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